While there is no real way to determine the cause, one thing is certain: 2022 is on track to hold the record number of clients served within a fiscal year for Sarah's Friends. Due to having served 103 individuals directly by the end of June, this figure proves a 66% increase from the 62 served during the same time period in 2020.

Of these 103 individuals, over half personally identified as female between the ages of 25-59 and experiencing domestic violence as their primary victimization. To date in 2022, 23 families have been assisted with housing needs through the Rapid Rehousing Assistance program; 3 families have utilized a total of 544 nights in long-term housing through the Transitional Housing Assistance program; and there have been 61 units of Emergency Financial Assistance provided for crisis items including gasoline vouchers, food vouchers, phone cards, and miscellaneous expenses relating to immediate health and safety. In addition to these three financial programs, advocate staff provided 91 referrals to outside agency programs; 240 instances of individual advocacy; 12 instances of case management; and 47 instances of crisis intervention services which can include danger assessments and safety planning.
For more information on Sarah's Friends' programs available to assist survivors of crime in Williams County, please visit www.sarahsfriends.org/services1 .