Did you know that the LGBTQ+ community is victimized more often?
52%. The percentage of LGBTQ+ people who've experienced depression recently.
1 in 8. The number of LGBTQ+ people who have experienced unequal treatment from healthcare staff.
46%. The percentage of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people who are open about their sexual orientation with their family.
4.1%. The estimated percentage of women who identify as LGBTQ+.
350,000. The number of people in the LGBTQ+ community who are transgender women.
1 in 5. The number of LGBTQ+ women living in poverty.
43%. The percentage of LGBTQ+ employees who haven't revealed their orientation at work.
50%. The percentage of LGBTQ+ workers who recently received federal protection from discrimination.
10%. The amount of time LGBTQ+ workers spend hiding their identities.
<$12,000. The annual income earned by 22% of LGBTQ+ people.
Domestic Violence and Abuse
LGBTQ+ individuals may experience threats of outing as a means to coerce or manipulate. Someone's sexuality or gender may be used as a threat or questioned, either by an abuser or by someone's community. LGBTQ+ individuals may experience barriers to services or lack of education about resources specific to them due to their status within the LGBTQ+ community or fear of stigma.
Rape and Sexual Violence
Survivors of sexual violence may not want to come out in order to receive medical care, legal follow-up, or emotional support. Survivors may questions their sexual orientation and/or gender identity after being sexually assaulted. Sexual violence is about violence, power and control. It is not about sex. Sexual violence cannot determine anyone's self-identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
LGBTQ+ individuals may experience threats of outing by their stalker. Stalking may co-occur with hate violence and/or domestic violence or intimate partner violence. LGBTQ+ individuals may experience barriers to services or lack of education about resources specific to them due to their status within the LGBTQ+ community.
It is always a survivor's choice to disclose details regarding identity and all survivors deserve equal access to services in a supportive and affirming environment, regardless of whether or not they come out.

Safe Zone Project
Safe Zone trainings provide comprehensive cultural humility training and technical assistance regarding LGBTQ+ sexual violence and intimate partner violence for Ohio service providers to create safe and accessible services for LGBTQ+ survivors of violence. All program staff are Safe Zone trained prior to working with survivors. Sarah's Friends is a safe zone, meaning that everyone is welcome.

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month and in honor of that, here is some history about one of the most iconic symbols of Pride Month and the LGBTQ+ community: The Pride (or Rainbow) Flag. It was first designed by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978 and originally had eight colored stripes, each representing a different meaning.
Pink: Sexuality
Red: Life
Orange: Healing
Yellow: Sunlight
Green: Nature
Turquoise: Magic and Art
Indigo: Serenity and Harmony
Violet: Spirit
The pink stripe was dropped due to the organizers for the 1979 parade in San Francisco wanting to split the flag in half to decorate each side of the parade route, so they needed an even number of stripes. The indigo stripe was also altered and changed to blue.